четвртак, 11. јун 2015.


Cao dragi moji,kao sto znate nije me dugo bilo jer sam zelela da se posvetim plesu.Ostvarila sam par uspeha i zelela sam sa vama da  ih podelim. I mesto na Evropskom takmicenju u Becu, I mesto na drzavnom takmicenju i II mesto na medjunarodnom takmicenju u Jagodini. Ovde mozete procitati tekst o meni.  http://www.indjija.net/Vesti.aspx?Id=23608 Nadam se da cemo se uskoro vise druziti.Pozzzz XOXO

Hello, dear friends, As you know, I haven't been writing for a long time. The reason for that is because I wanted to devote myself to dance. I made a few successes and I wanted to share it with you. I won first place on Europian dance competition in Vienna, first place on national championship and second place on international competition in Jagodina. You can read this text about me http://www.indjija.net/Vesti.aspx?Id=23608 I hope to write more often in the future XOXO